...a true Kingdom business...

Spray Tex Solutions

Spray Foam Roofing
This low-slope roof system combines specially formulated foam, applied to the substrate, and a protective coating. Elastomeric acrylic is commonly used, but is not the only option. This system adds R7 insulation value and 80-86% reflectivity (and weighs less than 1/3 pound per square foot). It is easy and inexpensive to maintain and repair.

Spray on Coatings
We apply a variety of spray-on coating to solve a wide range of problems:

Metal Roof Coatings ∙ EPDM Restoration
Masonry Wall Coatings ∙ Damp proofing Coatings

We continue working to find solutions to other problems as well.

Spray Foam Insulation
Both closed and open-cell foam insulation for residential and commercial. R-values depends on type of foam installed up to R7 per inch. With foam, a structure can be insulated to R19 or more in 3 inches of space.
Spray foam also fills all gaps and spaces making a tightly sealed building envelope. We apply the foam to the underside of the roof decking which insulates the attic spaces, where most AC ducts are. This helps AC units run more efficiently, which results in a significant energy cost savings.
Compared to traditional insulation, spray foam insulation does not deteriorate and lose R-value.

We now offer a fireproof primer. Rated to contain a fire up to 2000 degrees fahrenheit for up to 15 minutes. See your representative for details.